Asahi, no1 Japan’s beer, wants to become a beer of choice for millennials in the UK and Europe.
We responded to the pitch call with a call to action for change.
“Vote for Change” to transform the world, to push boundaries, to ignite creativity.
A change in which Asahi becomes a new icon, an embodiment of modernity and innovation, and why not, also of Japan's ingenuity.
We invited the public to support their favourite innovation trends, from colonizing the Cosmos to embracing AI, as a triger to deliver sharable conversations.
Asahi as the victor of our hopes for the future of mankind.
Creative & Design direction

A place to know more about the projects, vote, share and use your Asahi codes to exchange prizes.
New Asahi pack becomes the most distinguishable at supermarket shelves
thanks to its iconic minimalist design.

Our provocative lenticular beer mats keep chat lively in the pub.

Innovative heat resistant Summer packs also help to fuel PRable and Social Media conversations.